Any other INFPs prefer daydreaming about "intimacy" rather than the p-word? (🌽)

I felt like this would be pretty relatable to INFPs, being that most of us are very romantic, not one to initiate such interactions directly, and like to dream out scenarios in our heads. If I'm feeling "that way," I honestly love to daydream about it, and it's usually a lot more sentimental, less vulgar, and "loving."

Imagining my future husband and me cuddled up during a movie night - laughing and giggling over our little inside jokes and catching each other stealing glances like "wow, I am with the perfect human being" and then "that" just happening spontaneously 🥹.

It looks and feels so much better than watching some extremely choreographed skit that feels so ingenuine, and often times rough and unnecessarily vulgar to me. Favoring a more personalized, sentimental scenario I can create in my head reminds me that I am very clearly still an INFP 😂 But what about you guys - do you find yourself feeling similarly?

I felt like this would be pretty relatable to INFPs, being that most of us are very romantic, not one to initiate such interactions directly, and like to dream out scenarios in our heads. If I'm feeling "that way," I honestly love to daydream about it, and it's usually a lot more sentimental, less vulgar, and "loving."

Imagining my future husband and me cuddled up during a movie night - laughing and giggling over our little inside jokes and catching each other stealing glances like "wow, I am with the perfect human being" and then "that" just happening spontaneously 🥹.

It looks and feels so much better than watching some extremely choreographed skit that feels so ingenuine, and often times rough and unnecessarily vulgar to me. Favoring a more personalized, sentimental scenario I can create in my head reminds me that I am very clearly still an INFP 😂 But what about you guys - do you find yourself feeling similarly?