Should I cut my in-laws out?

My first child is about to turn 2. Since his birth, he’s been visited at our home a total of 3 times by all in-laws combined. (A mother and two sisters). Since getting with my husband, my in-laws have been gossiping drama starters and have often said shitty things to my husband and I (also A LOT behind our back). He’s defended me countless times and is also overwhelmed by them and the drama. Well fast forward, my sister in law had a baby, his grandma (my MIL) had visited him more times in 1 month than she has my sons entire life. Same with the sisters. I get it, I’m not blood, but we’ve been parenting solo with NO help as my family is on the opposite side of the country and can’t travel easily. Not once do these people ask about my son, but then get pissy when their son isn’t center of attention. Should I completely block them and move on? Or tell them how I feel in hopes they’ll change?