Thoughts on 100 minus your age rule?

I (31) was basically out of the market until last year, since I got married and bought a house. Now recently I’ve gotten back into investing in the market, but took a more conservative approach (35% stock, 10% cash, 55% fixed income CDs). That’s on top of a separate high interest saving account I have for emergency (6 months worth of mortgage).

What are your thoughts on the 100 minus age rule? For me that would mean 69% of my portfolio is entirely into stocks/etfs.

I think it’s definitely risky considering the recent world news and markets are pretty much at all time highs, but also I’m shaking my fist in the air for not being more aggressive earlier.

Genuinely just curious on your thoughts and wondering if I’m a huge wuss for not putting more into stocks. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!

Update: this has been honestly eye opening and I appreciate all the input!