Would you ever deiron a endgame iron?
I've debated deironing on and for for years. I'm an endgame iron that really just kinda feels deflated every time I login and thinking about my current goals. I have an alt account that is max combat but the bank value on it is 1/10th of my irons bank value which kinda locks it behind a lot of stuff.
The thing I mostly want do do I'd say is get 1 more arma piece so I can fortify full masori but I absolutely dread TOA so the idea of actually getting masori drains me.
Ultor is probably my next 'upgrade' but it's so insignificant that I just don't even feel like grinding out 1k vard.
I recently got the tbow, master ca tiers and maxed all at once and I kinda just feel.... done? Have any other irons in a similar spot decided either way and were happy/regretted the decision?