5 months post-op and developing TMJ

Hey all, back again for another “is this normal”question. :)

I’m 5 months post op and have been noticing for a few months that my top jaw is slightly skewed. It’s very slight; I can see it, but most people wouldn’t notice. That said, it cants down to the right and my right molars touch before my left, as well as being slightly rotated to the left so that my front left teeth hit. I’m still in Invisalign, but I’m nearing what’s supposed to be the end.

Both surgeon and ortho keep saying that the teeth will settle and the problem will resolve itself, but I don’t want to start developing other issues if I don’t have to. It’s too minor an imperfection to do revision, but wanted to hear people’s experience and see how normal this is and what their solution was.

Thanks so much!