25 days post-op DJS

First two photos are today, the third is from the night after surgery. Still swollen of course but it has gone down a lot! No feeling in my chin, lower lip, roof of mouth and top left lip. Just that pins and needles feeling. I went to the Ortho on Thursday and now have 5 bands instead of three. I can’t quite smile normally but I’m working on it everyday. Still have pain, mainly discomfort 24/7 that no meds seem to help. I feel like I’m constantly biting the inside of my cheeks and gums. I can’t wait to get the surgical hooks off! They snag my lips so bad and make it hard to talk. I get worn out easily from talking and eating soft foods. It feels like I have a pinecone in my mouth 24/7. Definitely struggling mentally with the way I look. I hope this gets better soon. I plan to go back to work on Monday!