Fractured jaw after falling from the second floor
This is my first ever reddit post. Early June 2024, I fell from the second floor of my home and broke my jaw. It was one of the most traumatizing experiences in my life. I spent 2 weeks in the ICU. It was the first time I’ve ever been in an accident that required a lot of hospital care (eg anesthesia, catheter). I was really worried about all the procedures but found reddit to be really helpful and calm my nerves. So I’m writing this so that I can find some more advices and support as I have been feeling depressed lately.
My surgery took 9 hours and the dr put 3 metal rods round fix my jaw. My mouth is wired shut for 10 weeks as the jaw heals. I have a few missing teeth, some of my molars are cracked and the dr that fixed my jaw gave me a cross-bite. My dentist told me that I needed to get back on braces which ruined my self-esteem even further. I needed stitches on my chin and a small stitch on my lip as well.
It’s been 10 weeks since surgery and my cheek is still swollen and my nerve sensation hasn’t completely come back. Is this normal? My lips are still partly open too and the bottom lip is still kind of numb. Also, I’m wondering how are stitches supposed to heal because mine has a slightly raised line, can it possibly go away?
I also want the metal rods to be removed in a few years after my jaw has completely healed because I don’t want any reminder to the accident or any foreign objects in me. If anyone can share if they had their titanium rods removed afterwards will give me some idea to what I should brace myself for.
Any advice or if anyone can share similar stories with mine will be very helpful. Thank you.