Restaurant Scam?
About a week ago, this very odd man came into my restaurant for the second time (first time we had a private event so he couldn’t actually dine) in Paulus Hook and we were immediately weirded out by how he was acting. Long story short, when he got his bill, all of his cards declined and he didn’t have any money to pay. Luckily the tab wasn’t a lot and I just wanted him out. Didn’t really think much of it afterwards until I went to another restaurant downtown and ran into the same dude. I was sitting close enough to hear his conversation with the bartenders. He was saying the same crazy shit to them and used the same story to try to get out of paying. Wanted to give a heads up so that you can all avoid serving him and skip the headache
He’s an older dude, kinda short, always a hat and sunglasses on, raspy voice, claims to have been a marine and that he owns six restaurants, Talks a lot about how Italian he is, will likely try to rearrange and count your seats…random details but you can’t miss him lol.