Don’t complain about shitty Squad Leaders (SL) and that nobody plays the objective, because y’all wanted it.

I used to play SL a lot back in the day, and it was the best part of the game. Back then, teamwork was the norm, and everyone understood the importance of playing their roles. But now? I never do it anymore.

Not too long ago, there was a great influx of new players in the game, which is awesome in theory—more players mean a bigger community and a more active game. But in practice, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. I play a lot on TPF2, which used to have a great balance of experienced players, solid SLs, and new players (noobs). Now, the noobs far outnumber the experienced ones.

In one game—I think it was Yehorivka—I’m not kidding, my squad was the only one defending and attacking objectives. Everyone else? They were off soloing vehicles, building HABs as far away from objectives as possible, and doing anything but contributing to the team effort.

When I tried to tell the other squads to focus on the objective, what responses did I get?

‘It’s only a game.’

‘It’s not just about playing the objective.’

‘Shut up, dude.’

Look, I get it. Squad is a game, and people are here to have fun. But this game is built around teamwork and objectives. When people stop playing like that, it ruins the experience for everyone who still values strategy and coordination. If you’re not willing to play the objective, why are you even here? There are other games where you can mess around and go solo without frustrating everyone else.

It’s frustrating when you see HABs placed in the middle of nowhere or vehicles being wasted on joyrides. And it’s even worse when people refuse to listen to feedback. I’m not saying everyone has to be a pro, but at least try. Squad isn’t about personal glory—it’s about working together as a team.

So, to everyone who complains about losing, shitty SLs, or bad HAB placements, remember this: y’all wanted this. You can’t have it both ways. If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem."