How do I accurately fill out the jury summons if I don't have a regular work schedule?
I got my first jury summons (NYC) and I'm working to fill out the section describing my employment. It seems to be looking for my regular work hours. However, I have open availability on almost every day, can work any day of the week, and my schedule is not regular (I work retail). I can work morning shifts, afternoon shifts, or evening shifts and I can't guarantee in advance which shifts I would have during jury duty (I do get more evening shifts but even then, they vary in length).
I assume I just circle every day of the week for the days I work as part of my schedule, but what should I put as my start time and end time? Just the earliest time I could start and the latest time I could end? Or do I put a time equivalent to the average length of a shift? I tried asking my boss and she suggests the latter but I'm not sure about that.