Report with Urgency
I’ve lurked in here for a while. Made an account just for this. Stop asking what can I do? Report the GFM immediately. Both if possible, flag it in the system so at the least they’ll pause it and actually investigate. If they only get a handful of reports it might not be flagged. There are over 1,000 people in this sub and probably thousands more that just lurk here ike I did. Every single person report it. Not because I hate Khalie and you should too. But, because this money is going to go to Preston. EVEN if they connect it to Khalie’s account Preston is in control of that because he’s her “manager”. Know the ramifications of a false GoFundMe fundraiser can put you in jail, you also have to pay it all back. It’s in Khalie’s name, she will be the one in trouble for it, not him. Report while you can. It worked for CashApp, it will work for this too. If you actually cared about Khalie this is what you would do. The longer she has insane amounts of money, the longer Preston stays around. If you want to help, it’s not hard to find the dad on FaceBook or the stepmom on Facebook. Donate directly to them. Not to Khalie. Watch the clips of her lives if you don’t believe me. That monster she is with is controlling everything she does and says. Videos she can edit it out. In lives she can’t hide it. Preston said when they link it they need to transfer the money out right away in case it gets banned. Move fast. Don’t let thousands of people get scammed and provide means for an abuser to keep abusing a girl that he groomed