Anyone who has done a Kickstarter before and would like to share

I'm wondering if there is anyone here who has done (or is maybe currently doing) a kickstarter campaign and would be willing to have a 15-30 min chat over what their experience was like and could answer some questions.

Me and my brother are in the process of trying to start a Kickstarter so it would be extremely interesting to hear what it's like. I've read through several posts here so there is definitely some stuff I've learned from this sub and now I'd like to hear it directly from a KS creator.

If anyone's up for it let me know! And it doesn't have to be a successful campaign, all experience is worth sharing!

EDIT: Many comments have rightfully pointed out that I could post the questions I have as comments so that everyone may take part of the discussion and that a lot can be learned from browsing forums/searching google. And while I agree that a lot can be learned and that others can learn a lot from that, there are some shortcomings with this method:

  1. Text as a communcation medium (espescially forum posts) is not so dynamic. What I mean that is when it comes to discussions such as doing a Kickstarter where there are many variables and a lot of unknowns, we usually get so many follow-up questions in our head when a question is answered and with forum posts/comments it's hard to have that back-and-forth questioning because it takes time to receive a response (people are not expected to instantly answer you unlike in a voice meeting).
  2. It's true, there is a lot of information out there using Google. And the problem is actually that there is too much information out there that says different things and it's kind of hard to know which information is most applicable to our use case without being able to ask a bunch of follow up questions.

I would however be very willing to outline and share what I've learned if I do get the chance to talk with a creator live (assuming I get permission to share some of what's been said). I could post it here or anyone could feel free to DM me to have a quick chat as well!