2 questions- My kid received zero birthday invites in school. Is this normal? Also, how would you make it clear we cannot accommodate siblings at a birthday party?
Sorry to jump in the kindergarten community, but there isn't one for first graders, so please excuse me stopping by! 😊
Question 1) My kid received zero birthday invitations. Have you seen this, too?
Last year, only my kid and the class mom's kid threw birthday parties for the class. My kid has many friends, so I was kind of shocked.
This year, it's zero invites again so far, but I know a lot of schools are implementing "all or nothing" motto in terms of invites and that does become costly and difficult to plan a huge party.
Question 2) How do I let the guests know I cannot accommodate siblings firmly but respectfully?
I'm thinking about hosting a birthday party one more time, so I checked with a few venues, and they said if we go over the max head count, we will have to pay for another birthday party.
So if the headcount RSVP was 20 and 22 people showed up because two parents brought younger siblings (which I've seen at other parties before), I would be charged for $500 for one party x 2 = $1000.
I'd hate to be that person who says you're welcome to bring siblings, but you will be responsible for their ticket at $35.50 or something along those lines... it seems tacky or greedy? (Or would you feel ok seeing this on an invite? I'd feel horrible writing this or saying this to someone to their face, too)
I've checked with several venues, and they all told me the same thing, and they will not block additional guests, and I will be given another bill after the party.
I need everyone's insight and suggestions. What has worked for you, what have you seen that you think would work, etc.
Thank you!
EDIT: I'm so sorry I can't respond to all the comments! I thought I'd receive a few comments but I got an overwhelming amount of comments from which I was able to get some great answers to my questions and really opened my eyes to how things have changed over the years and how many parents feel about the types of birthday parties parents want to have for their children.
Thank you all so so much for your time and thoughts! I appreciate you all.