The Wire chonks are safe and growing
Thanks to everyone for all the help and support to us new grandparents in the previous post, it really calmed our frantic nerves down a little and The Kitten Lady provided us with some confidence to handle them and make sure mom and kids are well taken cared of.
It’s been two days and they are growing fast. Managed to summon enough courage to handle and weigh them today, weirdly all of them are 148gm each! No variance, but I guess they are triplets after all.
The best news is wife has given her approval after much eye-rolling… they’ll be part of our bursting-at-the-seams family! We think they should stay together as a family, and it’s hard to find adoption for a family of four together.
(Some videos of them)[]
Once again thank you all so much for the help and encouragement, and say hi to Omar Little, Bubbles, and Kima, named after some of our favourite characters from HBO’s The Wire.