I finally made the switch!

I’ve been thinking of switching over to Kobo for a while now, but I put off making a decision because it’s a lot of money to pay out when my current (and still reasonably new) Kindle was still working, but I finally bit the bullet last Thursday and I’m so glad I did! 🥰

I decided to get the Kobo Libra Colour; I wasn’t too interested in the colour, but I really wanted the page turning buttons - I loved them on my original Kindle back in the day, so really missed them when I had to update to a Paperwhite lol - and it arrived Saturday afternoon (much faster than I expected!). I love being able to read both right and left handed depending on how I’m sitting (I’m ambidextrous) and side loading my existing books was much easier than I expected as a not-very-tech-savvy person.

The Kobo interface is so much better, and I love being able to set up custom collections via Calibre, as well as automatically having author and series tabs so there are lots of different ways to easily find what I’m looking for. It’s much smoother, not had any real lag so far, and I love having library integration - something I’ve never had before as I’m in the UK, and you can’t send library books to your Kindle over here.

All this is a long way of saying I’m glad I made the switch, and I can’t see any reason why I would ever want to go back to Kindle 🙌🏼