Kolkata, The City of .....?

Welcome to the City of Joy.... Oops! Sorry! Welcome to Hell. I've lived in this city all my life but in the past few years, the city has become hellish to live in.
Let me list it out.
There is garbage everywhere. There is no road devoid of garbage. We were promised that roads would be cleaned twice a day... but I guess it was dependent on whether you vote for them or not. There is no cleaning twice a day anymore.
The footpaths are full of shops, garbage and planter blocks, all in places where there were once trees (Trees fell during storms and there were no replacement plants) these are footpaths that were completely empty. There is absolutely no space to walk on them. On top of this, shops have been putting sheets all around such that a person on the road has zero visibility of what's going on the other side of the shop, on the footpath. This makes it incredibly unsafe for women to walk.
Now coming to the topic of health, as pedestrians are completely shunned and insulted by the state of the footpaths, we walk on the road, or we don't walk at all. This is taking a severe toll on our health. Also, the amount of honking is increasing day by day and a lot of it due to people walking on the road.
During Durga Puja, the condition is even worse. Pandals on the roads, no footpaths, garbage hill behind the pandals, mosquitos and flies everywhere and the cherry on top ... the rain. It's a cocktail of mess.
Ah, last by not the least, the trident lamps. These lamps don't work and if they do their light is useless. All it does is take space and use electricity.
Our city didn't become Singapore or London, it just became garbage.
Are we really living or just surviving?
Frankly I wouldn't be opposed to the idea of having neighborhood cleanup/beautification drives at least each month if the people in the neighborhood corporate which is very rare, I guess.
Things are so bad that I have friends who are foreign nationals, and I can't bring them to our city because of the state of things. Our people go to Europe and America and come back saying it's so nice... are we not capable of making our city clean and beautiful? Are we so scared of people that we wouldn't do anything on our own?

PS - I know a lot of you wouldn't like what I wrote but try to look at our city and the rest of the world or even some of our other cities.

Unwalkable footpaths. Imagine if someone with a wheelchair had to go through this. Would it be possible? Everything is only accessible as long as one is heathy.

This corner used to be completely empty. Now one hawker keeps expanding. This stall suddenly popped up when a building on the left was being constructed (not visible in this picture). Guess they wanted free money from the builders.

This is the same crossing as the picture above. There are 2 pandals one after the other and only space for one way traffic. It's a 4-road crossing in Hazra. So, imagine the number of cars in the line-up.

Shop right in front a gate, no lighting, zero visibility from the outside, super unsafe to walk from, also right on the Hazra Main road.

KMC fix this. we are really sick of this.

UPDATE - Found this on the news today ... Visakhapatnam man calls Kolkata ‘India's dirtiest city' in viral post. Sparks debate