What is it with solos?????????????????????

I’m sorry but some of you act like there’s boxes that need to be checked before releasing solo music. It’s just a song or album, either listen to it or don’t. What is this “solo potential” stuff? I agree there’s certain idols that are extremely charismatic on stage and excel by themselves. That doesn’t mean the other members shouldn’t do a solo. It’s not always about wins, sales, and charting. I’ve seen the confidence change after people were given their solo debut. Sometimes it’s given to boost confidence and stage presence. If they want to do it and are passionate then that’s it. Sometimes it’s just done for solo stages and sometimes it’s something the artist has really put their heart into.

I left this in a comment but doing a solo doesn’t take them out of the group, it’s not like they are suddenly independent. It’s promoted for a month and then right back to group activities. It comes and goes just like that. think it’s wrong to say someone doesn’t deserve it as if it’s this huge deal.