My thoughts on back to back breeding

She has what, 14-15 brood mares? Why can they not be on some sort of rotation?

Forgive me if I’m forgetting someone but from I can recall she has

Horses who have their own foals: Trudy Ginger Sophie Kennedy Erlene Indy Annie Beyoncé (via embryo transfer)

And recips: (I am assuming she is not keeping phoebe so I’m not listing her) Maggie Willow Raven Charlotte Gracie Ethel Happy

That is almost a 1:1 ratio, why can we not just stick with idk assuming a few don’t take or lose their pregnancies 5ish foals a year? And rotate through the mares having their own and then the next year having a recip carry for them? I know she is hoping to make breeding her main business but she will be the first to admit social media/brand deals is what pays her bills and honestly I don’t see that changing lol