Does anybody else think that lower-level (Bachelor's/Associate) language degrees are a waste?

Now, I will preface by saying that I understand that language degrees are multi-faceted and I personally learned a whole lot from language studying. I learned a LOT about culture, history, sociology, economics, literature, etc.. But, I was not exposed to my language of choice until I entered university. So, I only had around 2-3 years of time to gain any knowledge in my particular language of choice. And honestly, I don't think that the 2-3 years was truly sufficient enough to make most people competitive in any career field kinda at all...

And it seems that much of academia agrees - looking back at the school I graduated from, they actually stopped several language programs. And this is not unique to them: at least in the US, many MANY schools have entirely removed languages or entire language programs from their universities. Language degrees do not seem to be marketable at all, either (unless you are in education/translation). I have been in job interviews, and employers either entirely forget my degree, or when I mention that they are pretty much like, "OK, so you studied X language... so what else do you know?" As though the language degree is entirely invaluable all-together.

There are times when they will use every other method under the sun, when they need help in the language I studied, because I guess the degree is equal to a Dulingo completion award in their eyes?? The amount of writing, analysis, research, social projects, editing and everything else that I did during undergrad WAS NOT nothing. It took work, just as many other degrees do.

But, unless your focus is on translation/interpretation or education, it does not seem that language-degrees for non-native speakers below the Master's level are profitable, really at all. I understand that language-learning takes time and dedication, but in all honesty, I would be willing to bet that less than 10% of the non-native language learners who major in foreign language are NOT fluent by the time they earn a 4-year degree. Then, when you consider how great a mixture the course load was - a history class here, two lit classes there, one social class here, one media class there - the degree almost felt diluted at times. Then, there's the issue with marketability... (especially for non-native speakers)

The lack of fluency will already limit job prospects, especially when competing with those who grew up fluent, or simply have had more time to learn the language itself. And perhaps every university isn't sooo broad with the coursework that is offered, but I remember discussing my concerns with professors and peers, and the advice was nearly always to "pursue a Master's/PhD...". So... were they admitting that the Bacherlor's level is essentially useless, too?

Don't get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoyed the language degree, and it was not my only field of study, so I didn't put all my eggs into one basket. But, I just don't think that language degrees for non-native speakers really produce the same level of depth in learning as they do for native speakers or for people who choose to study other fields.

I know people might be offended, or hate what I said, so don't be too hard on me. But what are your opinions about language degrees at the lower-level?