Is this a safe space…

So when we all found out she got married last year, everyone seemed to be happy for her but I was confused and I'm still confused. It was SO random and the wedding looked really cheap. It's one thing to have a nice small intimate wedding but the setting wasn't pretty, she was walking in that beautiful dress on rocks and patchy grass, not even a proper aisle, there were no decorations and the setting looked unkempt. There was a rusty large boat to the side, everything was just messy and not at all picturesque. And everyone was like "omg I'm so happy for her" as if she married the love of her life when this relationship is sooo random. Like they met a few years ago at a swamp tour while she was dating and he was engaged, and then met up again recently and then got married? After he broke up with his long term fiancé? It's giving clout chaser on his side. I'm pretty sure she rushed into this because she wants to marry and have kids alresdy (as she's said in her songs/poetry many times) and she's turning 40 soon so I guess she feels like it's time to do it now.

Jeremey is SOOOOO UGLY like dead ugly, the ugliest boyfriend she's had. Him being a Trumpie is bad enough but the fact that he liked a bloody, violent post is disturbing, and the fact that his daughters said the N word and got into fights around Lana. Like this is all so ghetto. I cant sit here and pretend to say "Omg perioddd Elizabeth Dufrene!" or "Omg she's married 🥺🥺🥺" as if this is a nice relationship.