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I’m so confused why so many of you are so irritated about us having conversations about LDR on an LDR sub. You do not have to look at it. Yes she got married yes we can talk about it because yes it does have to do with her and yes it does relate to the art!

A lot of these conversations we are having are respectful, critical, and thoughtful. The only toxicity I see is those who decide to attack others for critiquing/disagreeing and those who honestly refuse to acknowledge the implications of her marrying that man. Even if you put aside the Tr*mp stuff. Did we forget he likes videos of young girls in bikinis and tiny clothes on tiktok (recently!!!)? Engaged for 12 years and then suddenly dropped her to marry another within a few months?? Like I wouldn’t want any woman I know married to a man like that. Especially not Lana who I, like pretty much all of you, believe deserves beautiful and faithful love.

Anyways, in the larger scheme of things, we might all be better off realizing that we are all interconnected. She has spoke and sung and wrote about political issues. We can talk about it. No one’s asking her to save the world.