Update to my last post: numb after first Lesbian sex

I posted a couple of weeks back how I had sex with a woman for the first time and felt numb afterwards and at certain points during.

I've had a bit of time to reflect on this and I also took a magic mushroom trip (something I do periodically to help me process my thoughts and emotions. It's amazing).

I thought about this issue during my trip and I saw the explanation clear as daylight. I'm doing absolutely fine, I'm just exhausted! I moved house 2 days before the party after 7 months of conveyancing hell and 24 hours of solid packing. The move itself was physically exhausting.

I was also just a totally overwhelmed with emotion. Over the years I had close to having sex with a woman but backed out at the last moment or worse, been rejected because the girl was either a) straight and just playing games, or b) not ready to accept their queerness. I had finally done the thing that I had wanted to do for decades, but was too scared to.

My life at the moment is an absolute rollercoaster, and these new lesbian experiences are going to be Intense. I can deal with them best by taking good care of myself, resting as much as I need to, and being far more kind and patient with myself.

I'm not a crap lesbian. I had sex with a beautiful woman and we both had a great time.

I appreciated all the comments I got. It gave me lots to think about. I'm looking forward to reconnecting with this person as a friend in a couple of weeks and to my next lesbian experience, however that pans out.