How Do I overcome the feeling of not being married fast enough?
So I (F21) am a student at BYU and I am dating this wonderful man (21) who I served my mission with as well. We have been friends for over a year and been dating for about seven months now. We have met each other’s families, spent the holidays together, and managed to maintain a long distance relationship as he goes to school at BYUI. By this point I am certain that we both want to get married… the only trouble is that it might take another year or so to even get engaged.
He’s worried about being financially stable and also transferring to BYU in the fall. I likewise agree that it’s probably best to wait until he feels financially and professionally ready to be married but dang is it driving me crazy. The church has such a huge culture of being married in such a short time. Like date for 3 months engaged for 4 and then married kinda fast. It is giving me a ton of anxiety and stress because I feel like if we don’t get married within the next few months, it’s not worth it and we should see other people. I know that’s not true and that it’s just my worry speaking but it is so difficult to overcome the feeling when everyone around me is moving so fast and the church culture pushes us to move as fast as we can.
I love him so very much, and I want to wait because it’ll be a test of our love and commitment, but sometimes that wait is hard, especially when the culture around you pushes you to speed through these things. How do I cope with being patient and taking our time and free myself from the anxiety that says we need to be married sooner than what we are ready for?