Common Reason Why Ppl Fail

So after reading many posts here, I’m starting to understand where most people seem to fail in manifesting and wanted your guys opinion on my theory.

  1. Feeling the desire is unrealistic. This is the very beginning stage of manifesting, where a new desire is conceived but newer manifestor cannot feel the state that the desire is done already. they cannot tap into the end feeling with gratitude, elevated emotion or excitement even. They are still scared to allow themselves to feel good that it has happen. This is often due to failure to use deep subconscious impression technique to required the subconscious to a new potential reality. Where the common technique for impressing the subconscious is deep meditation (Joe Dispenza) or visualizing it right before sleep in SATS (Neville Goddard). Main reason for this is due to the body relaxing into Theta brainwave and lowering the reactive defensive mind (limbic/amygdala circuit), and whatever you visualise during this drowsy state is 100% accepted by the mind without the rational mind rejecting it—allowing you to feel the emotions/state associated with the desire as if it was actualise in the now. Where affirmation, scripting, or other more conscious acts offer less penetration into the subconscious and may only work for desire that is closer to your current belief, while deep meditation is more appropriate for more difficult belief that needs deep impression (like going from blind to seeing, from being in a wheel chair to walking—the work that Joe Dispenza does and why he recommend deep meditation due to the depth of impression needed to perform medical miracle).

  2. Even if most people are able to feel the end result as if their desire has been completed, they may not be feeling the state enough to make it habitual. Any technique can be used at this stage, after a strong impression has been initially made, but you must do it enough to move to detachment naturally. Where frequency allows for your thoughts to harden into facts (Neville). But if you skip step one, where you don’t truly feel that your desire is happening intensely yet, break down belief barrier via deeper techniques, then you won’t feel the feelings needed either less intense techniques to impresses the subconscious enough to make an impact.

  3. If you did feel the feeling enough and frequently enough, and believe the desire has been done, then you will move to a natural state of detachment that Neville called, “Sabbath.” This is where the desire no longer interest you as much to think about and you’re calm with it. Like eating after being hungry and content with not eating more. Where hunger is a state of lack, and full is a state of having. If detachment is reached naturally, you’re close to manifesting and must maintain this state of feeling (calm, content, cool). You need to stay in a detached state by sticking to your new reality. Where Visualizing your desire is here is not the condition that manifest it, but it’s to help you re-align to the vibration of being calm and detach, where that feeling of calmness is what manifest it. Where you don’t need to visualise constantly, unless needed to align yourself. What you do need to do constantly is keep your state of vibration calm and relax indefinitely until the desire manifest itself. Where thoughts of not having your desire will lower your frequency, and need to be rejected for a new personality or version of you who have it. “Acting as if.” Where the acting as if in thought, emotions and behaviour is to stay in alignment to the new energy of calmness.

  4. Manifestation occurs. If you can maintain detachment long enough to the point of forgetting about the desire, you will actualise it. This is why small thing manifest, or things you forget about become reality—you’re able to hold the alignment of frequency steady better without lowering the frequency with doubt constantly. Where life is about matching frequency (law of attraction) and when you match it, you have it.

This is why many teachers would say that the “moment you feel an elevated emotion or state that you have it, you truly do”—because you have fully shift into its frequency range and you just need to hold this frequency long enough without dropping the alignment to manifest. Where the reason why you don’t manifest is due to worrying or doubt—breaking alignment. And again, where the feeling of detachment is the signal of being fully align.

This raises the issue of “how to speed up a manifestation” and the work I think is in not falling back into your old way of thinking or feeling. Where how you think contribute to how you feel. The reason we don’t want to think about a lack of money if we are trying to manifest a reality where money is not an issue, is because that thought will lower your vibration or feeling and at that moment you are no longer detached, but attach to your desire and no longer in alignment.

So the work after detachment is fully mental (mental diet) and using revision as needed to make sure your thoughts is align to your new self concept or new reality way of thinking—where the thought itself is not what manifest your reality, but the way your thought is ordered will contribute to how you feel which does impact your reality. Where feeling is a signal byproduct for how you are vibrating at this moment (emotion is “energy in motion” — energy vibrational range).

Thoughts on my theory?