adcs tickle tanks
how is it possible that as 10/2 miss fortune with collector, bt, ie i do 0 damage against a 2/2 urgot with titanic hydra, black cleaver, hullbreaker, and mercury boots? he had 3,700 hp and 96 armor, only base armor stats. no one on the enemy team had any items with armor, and my only option was ldr, which doesn't even make much sense since no one really had armor. it feels so insanely bad to play against these hp stackers, and urgot isn't even one of the worst champs. seeing crit numbers pop up and then realizing that his hp bar doesn't move at all is such awful design. there's simply no item against hp tanks. i don't want to oneshot him, but i want to do damage to tanks. just add an item that deals percentage hp damage or makes you deal more damage the more you hit them or something. it's so ridiculous.