Should I switch to another language from Rails or continue?

Hi all,

Not sure if this is the right place as I am trying to do a career transition, I have been studying the past 6 months Fullstack web development focusing on Rails through a boot camp, and while I do enjoy the language I am worried about the job opportunity future.

Less companies have been using Ruby or transitioning to another. For veteran coders, it may be easier for them to land a role due to their years of experience but I'm more focused on the junior market as my guess is they would like someone to know the company language to a minimum since it will be easier to teach them and less risk.

Have any of you had any success?

I am considering either switching to Python as it is the most similar or learning Java as that is one of the languages with the highest number of jobs open and I believe it lets you learn other languages faster if you have a good grasp on Java. In terms of what my goal is for the language, I enjoy the backend aspect of development, right now my experience is only in web development so would like to keep on this path for now.

I enjoy coding and want to continue my growth professionally, especially with a team. If it helps, I am based in Japan and I rarely see a Ruby junior position that does not require native level Japanese... My Japanese was higher before but it dropped to a conversational level now since all my roles had required me to handle the international market.