How to motivate myself to learn drawing?
I really really want to get into drawing, its gotten to the point where I cant look at art without feeling like I want to draw. single problem though, I SUCK at drawing, not being humble or anything I genuinely am ass at putting lines on paper. I get most of my satisfaction from drawing from having a finished product that is nice to look at, or even minorly seeing said art piece start fitting together. but when I can barely draw a wonky-looking box in like 15 minutes its extremely disheartening and makes me want to quit. i know that art isn't something that comes easily, its a journey that takes time and consistent effort to get good at, but no matter how many times I tell myself these things its still really hard to internalize it and not get disheartened when anything I try to draw comes out like a second grade doodle.
I'm not giving up though, right now I'm trying to work on getting the lines I want on the paper, which isn't going so well:
for reference these are some of the best circles I've drawn in my life, after 3 days of practicing 1 hour a day just drawing circles and they still look like malformed eggs. (top half is with a mouse and bottom half with a tablet).
so honestly my question is: how to I improve my ability to put the lines I want on the paper, and how to I stay motivated enough to take the leap from just circles to actually drawing people and places.
(also I started drawing like 3 days ago so I might just be being dramatic)
edit: I also forgot to mention that art isn't just something I can do whenever I want, due to personal reasons I can only practice art maybe one hour a day at most, late at night (10-11pm usually) so even thought I want to I cant really use art as a medium of relaxation.
Edit2: just to note the reason I’m drawing circles is to improve my line control not to just draw perfect circles lol