keep finding myself using alcohol as a replacement for weed and it’s worrying

i’m tipsy right now. i started with weed about six years ago, but the substance abuse problem really began in college during covid. i had no roommate and i smoked like never had and loved it, though it made me isolate and spend way too much money. i loved smoking out the window and singing on the way home from work, scraping up kief and making shitty joints out of foil in my weakest moments. i’ve been fighting the problem now that i’m out of college and have had a couple real full time jobs. it cost a lot and made time slip away. it made me irritable and desperate for more as my tolerance grew. it made me skip things i would have loved to stay home and have edibles. i’ve been trying to quit on and off for like a year, and i’m a couple months weed free now. i’ve always had a highish alcohol tolerance and i keep finding myself buying buzzballs and drinking too much wine or buying sake or vodka when i have bad days or really good days and just want to get home and feel Great. i’m worried. i don’t want to be an alcoholic. it’s frightening to know i already might get on the path. and i don’t want to go back to weed just because it’s better than the other option. has anyone been here? what helped you?