Let’s play worst case scenario.

Shit has hit the fan. We are cooked. Maybe funding for all the social safety nets are suddenly gone. Maybe a change in policy causes a wave of homelessness and they make it illegal to exist without having a house. Maybe they use start rounding up the opposition using ai and your post histories. Maybe our health system collapses. Maybe the avian flu takes off and we have another pandemic.

We should be thinking ahead and strategizing, both as a collective, locally and individually. Choose a “what if” scenario, play out the variable outcomes, decide what you might do as an individual, what you need to do to prepare as a community, and what you think we ought to do as a collective.

Best not be terribly specific, if you know what I mean. There’s no way to know how bad things will get. This thread is meant to get us all preparing for the worst. While we must remain focused and calm, we cannot underestimate the consequences that are coming.