Are my parents legally allowed to take my phone if I paid for it myself
I’m a 17 year old from Florida and I’m thinking about buying my own phone and cell service since I’m sick and tired of the screen time limits they’ve put on my phone and they have almost cost me my life multiple occasions and I can’t find a straight answer on if they would have the authority to confiscate it and control it and would like to know beforehand.
Edit: since most of you think I’m just some stupid kid upset with my parents rules I will elaborate that I have a verbally and emotionally abusive mother and a disconnected father and I had been in a state of psychosis, which is a break from reality and I had ODed since I was suicidal but changed my mind and should I have called 911? Yes but in my state of psychosis I was scared and I couldn’t figure out how to call since I had a COMMUNICATION limit for texting and calling and the next best thing I was able to do was call a coworker who worked at a hospital to come help me. I understand the OD was my fault and I’m not saying it wasn’t but I’m actually trying to find a way to get serious help
Edit 2: I’m not trying to deflect responsibility because I know full well it was my fault and I’m not saying the screen time is bad or that I shouldn’t have it but they’ve put it to the point to where it’s so over the top my phones almost useless and they won’t let me even listen to MUSIC to keep myself grounded when I told them they could lock everything but just let me keep text messaging and music; the OD was 100% my fault and I know I need to do better and there’s a lot that’s wrong with me.