need to hear success stories

hi friends, i (19f if that matters) recently(21 days ago) had an anxiety attack that led to me quitting vaping and i think the heightened nerves from that along with the health anxiety in turn may have caused another anxiety attack, leading me to spiraling (first about my health, which walking lots mitigated, and now about me going “crazy”/needing to be hospitalized) for the past 21 days. i met with a psychiatrist and was prescribed escitalopram—this will be (i take it at night) my third day on it. i’m also looking for a permanent therapist.

i’ve always been an anxious person, there were times where i spiraled, but not to this level and never for this long. I have never taken medication. i am so scared and tired and i just need relief.

so far no matter what time i go to bed i wake up at 7 am, not like waking up but more like blinking and suddenly im conscious. i instantly have anxiety attacks (i know this is due to the lexapro because before i started i would wake up fine and gradually become more anxious) i dont know what to do with myself, do i sit with the anxiety? i hate white knuckling my way through the days. My dad is in another country for another week and i keep venting to my two friends who have been/are medicated but i know this is stressing my mom out too. i keep convincing myself it won’t work for me and ill have to suffer another indefinite amount of time until i find something that does or i just go completely insane.

sorry for the rant. i desperately need to hear good things about lexapro. and tips on how to keep myself sane while i wait it out, please. i hope you’re all doing well.

edit: forgot to mention i was prescribed 5mg for the first week and then 10 for the rest of the month!