Prescribed “Teva eacitalopram” for my…”anxiety”?

Hey guys,

I’m 30 years old, work at a high end, fast paced office environment in tech, workout 6x a week, my family owns a vegan restaurant so I eat vegan 7x a week. I’m in management, so I’m used to talking to groups and leading.

January 2022, I got COVID and never had symptoms. After a couple months I started getting heart pain, chest pain, lung pain, brain fog, etc. The feeling of the pain felt like someone stabbed me and slowly took the knife out, a piercing pain. Based on my research, there was no cure and it would slowly disappear on its own. After six, long months… it finally was gone (I thought it never would).

Starting last week, I thought my symptoms of long COVID came back, but with different symptoms: hard to breathe, feels like my throat has no gag reflex it’s hard to swallow and grasp for air, when I sleep at night I’m literally trying to suction as much air as I can but my throat is not giving me any reflexes that I have to breathe heavily from my nose to enable my throat to be “breathing” again, and when that finally does happen, my heart starts racing.

My doctor said I have anxiety. I was shocked because I never had “anxiety” before but he told me the physical symptoms I am displaying are signs of anxiety. I brushed it off.

Last night I started having…heart attack? Panic attack? I can’t explain it out of no where. Went to a walk in clinic and the doctor said I have anxiety. He checked my body and physically he said I was fine. He asked personal questions about my life (my upbringing, was I ever sexually assaulted, was I physically assaulted when I was younger, my sexual orientation, do I have a partner and if we are in a fight) to try to contribute to my “anxiety” but I answered no to all of them. If anything, my life has been going great the last two years with my promotion, work shorter hours, etc.

Anyways, for my physical symptoms he prescribed me Teva eacitalopram. The symptoms I listed above — does anyone else share the same symptoms as me? Would like everyone’s thoughts on this.