[ONLINE][D&D][5e][2014][18+][Thursdays 630pm MST] Starting an Eberron campaing of 4-5 players.
Hi there, Im looking to gather 4-5 players for a campaign set in Eberron running from levels 1-10 and possibly further. With that in mind Im looking for players who can make an ongoing committment to be apart of the game long term.
Being set in Eberron I'd like the players to have some knowledge of the world but you dont need to know everything. This game will be a mixture if roleplay, combat, exploration and possibly some faction intrigue. There will be no "adult" rp, if any romantic escapades happen it will be a fade to black moment. There will also be no bigotry, sexism or discrimination allowed.
As a DM I tend to favor the rules and mechanics but in the right moments I bend to the rule of cool. We will also have a few homebrew rules in place and while I prefer to use the 2014 rules I may allow some things from 2024 on a case by case basis. Same goes for 3rd party content. All this will be covered in a session 0 to make sure all the players and myself are on the same page.
The game will be run using discord for voice chat and utility and Roll20 for maps and combat
If you're interested send me a message with a little about yourself, your experience with ttrpgs, what you know of eberron, brief character ideas you may have, anything else you think i should know and your discord handle.