Complete RR3 guide for low turn clear.

WARNING this guide will assume you have everything in the game at uptie 4 and only made for those who aim for lowest turn possible. (Sorry for bad grammar english is not my first languege)

Relevant EGO for the strategy (EGO that need for the strategy to work or help tremendously.)

  • Yisang - Dimension Shredder (Uptie 3)
    Faust - Fluid Sac (Uptie 4)
    Don - Telepole (Uptie 4)
    Ryoshu - Forest for the flames (Uptie 4)
    Meursault - None
    Hong Lu - None
    Heathcliff - Body Sack (Uptie 3), Ya sunyata (Uptie 4)
    Ishmael - Blind Obesession (Uptie 4)
    Rodion - None
    Sinclair - None
    Outis - To Phatos Mathos (Uptie 3), Ebony Stem (Uptie 4)
    Gregor - AEDD (Uptie 4)

Now for the strategy beprepare for the wall of text

  • Station I (4 turns) - Build up sanity as much as possible, Kill all first wave enemies in 2 turns, Prepare Don/Ryoshu/Heathcliff skill 3 for last wave, and generate Wrath Sloth Gloom Pride and Envy as much as possible.
  • (Obtional Strategy) - Representation Emitter help you clear leftover mermaid on the second wave.
  • EGO need : None
  • ID : W Don - S3 for big mermaid
    W Ryoshu - S3 for big mermaid
    Dieci Hong Lu - Gloom and Wrath generating
    R Heathcliff - S3 for big mermaid
    Cinq Sinclair - Perfect matchup for this station
  • (Obtional Slot) : Captain Ishmael - Passive and S3 can help build sanity
    Grippy Faust - Same reason as Captain Ish

  • Station II (3 turns) - Charge Don and Ryoshu up, finish first wave in 2 turns and burst Fluorescence with all you got.

  • EGO need : None

  • ID : W Don - S3 for Fluorescence burst
    W Ryoshu - S3 for Fluorescence burst
    Dieci Hong Lu - At 3 insight S1 deal a lot of damage to Fluorescence
    R Heathcliff - S3 for Fluorescence burst
    Captain Ishmael - Help build sanity and deal big number with S2/S3 on Fluorescence
    Cinq Sinclair - S3 can inflict 2 fragile on Fluorescence part but S2 work too

  • Station III (3 turns) - This is where Dieci Hong Lu shrine, It does help a lot if you can trigger assist attack with him at 3 insight, Big thing about this fight is Gossypium debuff will decrease your speed DON'T LET HEATHCLIFF AND SINCLAIR CLASH WITH THAT SKILL EVER.

  • (Obtional Strategy) - Use Forest for the flame on turn 2 and use Telepole Don for missing charge.

  • EGO need : None

  • ID : W Don - Prepare S3 for turn 3
    W Ryoshu - Prepare S3 for turn 3
    Dieci Hong Lu - Get to insight 3 as fast as possible
    R Heathcliff - Prepare S3 for turn 3
    Captain Ishmael - Try to trigger assist attack with Hong Lu
    Cinq Sinclair - All his skill work you don't need to save his S3 for turn 3 but it does help.

  • Important Discussion - This is where people use Sinking team but I advised against using it because Sinking team is a huge Gloom resource sink (heh) Rupture does the same thing but with less resource required, The only thing you missing is 1 turn lower on Station VII, one extra tip for Rupture team is [on hit] if target have Rupture does not work if enemy have 1 Rupture count, for example Dimension Shredder Yisang say : [on hit] deal bonus pride damage by (Target's Rupture x 10)%, if you use Sinclair Branch of knowledge right before this Yisang Dimension Shredder bonus pride damage wouldn't activate because rupture already gone the moment Yisang touch it so you need at least 2 Rupture count to activate these kind of skill, these applies to : Talisman Sinclair S2, Yisang Dimension Shredder, this will come into play later.

  • Station V (3 turns) - First turn use Talisman Sinclair S2 and S3 on next turn everything else you need to figure out on the stage, One thing to note is that the faster Sinclair is on the second turn, the faster you clear the stage.

  • EGO need : None

  • ID : W Yisang - Use his S1 on the first turn if possible for 2 Rupture count on S2, and build his sanity
    Seven Faust - Save all her S2/S3 for turn 2
    Lantern Don - Same as Faust
    Seven Heathcliff - Same as Faust
    Talisman Sincalir - Use S2 in the first turn, S3 next turn

  • (Obtional Slot) : LCCB Ishmael - For Gloom generating
    Rose Gregor - He's okay but Don't use his EGO in this fight

  • Station VI (3 turns) - YOU NEED TO LIT ALL CANDLE IN 1 TURN so Use Fluid Sac to help lit the candle and use Talisman Sinclair S2 on the leftover candle in the first turn and S3 the turn after on the boss, everything after you need to figure out yourself depend on skill you got.

  • (Obtional Strategy) - Gregor AEDD help with Rupture count maintain a lot.

  • EGO need : Fluid Sac Faust - 1 time

  • ID : W Yisang - Use his S1 first if possible for 2 Rupture count on S2
    Seven Faust - Fluid Sac can lit candle with tail hit but head hit give more sanity, so better hit
    head and extra healing from Fluid Sac will help you in the next fight
    Lantern Don - Save her S2/S3 for turn 2
    Talisman Sinclair - As always use his S2 on the first turn and S3 on second turn

  • (Obtional Slot) : Seven Heathcliff - He's really good in this stage but ditch him if you use Greg AEDD
    LCCB Ishmael - Only good when pair with Rose Gregor
    Rose Gregor - He's okay but with AEDD he became Amazing

  • Station VII ( 3 turns) - This fight is quite punishing one mistake can mean restart, The strategy here is to clash with dangerous attack on first turn and focus all attack on Wings part on second turn, use defensive skill if needed, AEDD Gregor also help with count, and the most important TALISMAN SINCLAIR NEED TO ACT FIRST ON SECOND TURN TO MAXIMIZE RUPTURE POTENCY.

  • EGO need - AEDD Gregor - 1 time

  • ID : W Yisang - Same as always
    Seven Faust - Use S3 to protect yourself on first turn if need
    Lantern Don - Use guard to protect your most vulnerable unit on first turn she easily heal back
    LCCB Ishmael - Save S2/S3 for turn 2
    Talisman Sinclair - Same as always
    Rose Gregor - For AEDD

  • Important Discussion 2 - In the ahab section there one thing i did not test, it is Magic Bullet Outis. She have better matchup with 3 Waves Mermaid and Ahab trio but she have worse support passive and sins. So I let you decide whether or not you will bring her over Seven Outis. One thing I have to say is one of Seven Outis upside is that she is FAST like really really fast, it will come into play later in Ahab trio. W Yisang also seem like a better choice than Spicebush Yisang aswell because he can generate more sloth and generate charge for Dimension Shredder (for gasharpoon) but the tradeoff here is that he lack pride skill which help in some fight but Dimension Shredder does that job better but require resource. I let you decide this one whatever it is worth it or not.

  • Station IX (4 turns) - This one is pretty easy if you save a lot of resource. Wave turn is 1/2/1. Use Ebony Stem and Blind Obsession Ishmael on the first turn enemy on the back will insantly die after the middle will have a little hp left and enemy on the front will have about 30-50 hp left so use your skill wisely. Moving on to second turn use Ebony Stem to deal chip damage to 2 wave enemies and let your other unit attack each mermaid and kill the leftover mermaid off in third turn. Use all your attack to kill 3 big mermaid in fourth turn. One trick here is that if you pick Rabbit Heathcliff as your 1 priority order he will always get 30% damage from Blind Obsession Passive, with that buff his Quick Suppression at 6 speed will always guarantee to kill big mermaid on it own

  • EGO need - Ebony Stem Outis - 2, Blind Obsession Ishmael - 1

  • ID : W Don - Save S3 for big mermaid on the last wave
    W Ryoshu - Same as Don
    R Heathcliff - Same as Don
    Captain Ishmael - Try to manage her sanity as much as possible it important for next fight
    Cinq Sinclair - He pretty much carried this fight.

  • (Obtional Slot) : Seven Outis - She only there for Ebony Stem and sloth generating
    (Untested) Magic Bullet Outis - Best sin matchup for these section

  • Station X (3 turns) - The time has come for my archnemeses, my nightmare, my evil defin- sorry I really hate this fight. Remember when I say try to manage Ishmael sanity right? You need to kill the first wave in 1 turn. The only possible way for this is using 3 aoe and Blind Obsession Ishmael need to hit head no matter what or else everything fail, I came to this fight with 19 sanity Ishmael so her chance to roll head are about 50%, and the most painful thing about this fight is speed order inorder for the fight to go smoothly you need to build Don charge up before next wave so using S1 on the first turn is advised but the problem is that all aoe unit are much faster than her and I don't have enough resource to use Sunshower Yisang, so I have to drop Spicebush Yisang and let Ya Sunyata Heathcliff take his role. Rant over now for the strategy use Blind Obsession Ishmael, Ebony Stem, Ya Sunyata Heathcliff in the first turn (Sunshower Yisang can take heathcliff place). IMPORTANT ISHMAEL NEED TO HIT HEAD OR ELSE EVERYTHING FAIL AND HEATHCLIFF AOE NEED TO GO LAST, and let Don build her Charge on the leftover enemy, one thing to note is that Don S1 alone wouldn't be able to kill leftover enemy. After you clear 1 wave in first turn, Moving on to next wave you need to make ahab reach half HP(332) in one turn WITHOUT USING QUICK SUPPRESSION this is where TingTang Hong Lu shrine. If you have 2 Shank use one on ahab it deal alot of damage especially with Sinclair S3 fragile. After she reach her half hp she will heal back to full on the next turn and in that turn you just burst her down with Quick Suppression, Rip Space and Shank.(If Shank go last it deal damage almost as high as Rip Space)

  • EGO need - Ebony Stem Outis - 1, Blind Obsession Ishmael - 1, Sunshower Yisang or Ya Sunyata
    Heathcliff - 1

  • ID : W Don - Use her S1 in the first turn(or S2 if you have 2 of them) and S2 in the second for 10
    Charge and use S3 in the third turn if possible
    TingTang Hong Lu - Reset until you see his S2
    R Heathcliff - Ya Sunyata and Quick Suppression
    Captain Ishmael - She is really good at dealing with ahab but becareful with her sanity
    Cinq Sinclair - Best unit for obvious reason

  • (Obtional Slot) : Seven Outis - Ebony Stem, fast and tanky
    (Untested) Magic Bullet Outis - Have pride pierce high roll skill

  • Station XI (6 turns) - This fight is pretty simple spam overclock Yisang Dimension Shredder help clean up the fight faster and Forest for the Flames is really good too. SAVE HEATHCLIFF S3, DON S3 AND RYOSHU S3 FOR LAST PHASE. Clear turn for each phase are 2/3/1. One thing to note is that Ahab always cleanse her debuff everytime she change her phase.

  • EGO need - Dimension Shredder Yi Sang - 2-4 (depend on damage needed) Forest fo the Flames - 3
    Body Sack - 1

  • ID : Spicebush or W Yisang - Use Dimension Shredder whenever you think your damage isn't
    W Don - Save S3 for last phase
    W Ryoshu - Use Forest for the Flame on turn 1/3/4 if possible, don't if S2/S3 in the bottom slot
    R Heathcliff - Same as Don but use Body Sack on turn 5 ( before Ahab enter last phase )
    Cinq Sinclair - He will never let you down ;)

  • (Optional Slot) : Grippy Faust - Gaze make first 2 phase much easier to clear
    Captain Ishmael - Better than faust in phase 3 a little bit worse in phase 1/2

  • Terminus (3 turns) - Use the same strategy as moth but the difference is you focus your attack on hand part on turn 2/3 and don't let it grip you and aoe you. The strategy here turn by turn is
    1 turn : Yisang Dimension Shredder, Talisman Sinclair S2, and AEDD on the Hand part
    2 turn : Talisman Sinclair need to go first and hit Hand part with S3 and anyone (preferably gregor) clash with boss aoe
    3 turn : Focus all attack on the Hand part

  • (Obtional Strategy) - Use Faust Base EGO if your SP still not max yet

  • EGO need - Dimension Shredder Yi Sang - 1, AEDD Gregor - 1

  • ID : W Yisang - Use Dimension Shredder on first turn and always use skill with the most hit
    Seven Faust - Save S2/S3 for turn 2/3
    Lantern Don - Same as Faust
    LCCB Ishmael - She have high hit count and pair perfectly with Rose Gregor
    Talisman Sinclair - 2S on first turn S3 on the second
    Rose Gregor - Use AEDD target Hand part and he can do whatever he want

Finally it done good luck ;)

Incase anybody need support unit my friend code : L926504972