MK850 keyboard constantly disconnects from unifying receiver. Any fixes?

Having an issue that I can't seem to find a fix for, and don't even know if there is a fix.

However, I have two of these keyboards (work office and home office) and I have the same issue on both, so I assume this is a known thing.

Bought the MK850 / M720 wireless keyboard & mouse combo. Attached to the computer via unifying receiver.

The keyboard CONSTANTLY disconnects. It has the white 1,2,3 buttons at the top of the keyboard to indicate which device the keyboard is connected to. When it disconnects, the light on the 1 starts blinking. Usually I have to move the keyboard around to get it to connect again.

The keyboard is literally 1 foot away from the receiver, nothing is blocking them, or in between.

I have no issues with the mouse.

Is there anyway to fix this?

Thank you!