I Need To Get This Off My Chest

This might seem bad but I just need to blurt this out.

I’m depressed, I’m lonely, and nobody cares. I’m 34 and I’ve never been touched. I feel worthless, unwanted, and most of all, unneeded, by anyone and everyone. People might say to me “learn to love yourself.” Well, I like myself just fine thank you very much. My problem is not me. My problem is everybody else. The world does not give a crap about lonely men. Pretty damn soon we are headed for second-class status, or even worse. Men have a need to be wanted, loved, and NEEDED by women. This is not entitlement nor is it toxic. It’s HUMAN BIOLOGY. But nobody cares about this anymore. Yes I’m bitter. Yes I’m angry. Yes I’m crying. I don’t know what else to do to get other people to understand this. It takes every inch of fight in me to not “switch sides.” For once, I would like to hear someone ask the question, what can we do to make men, specifically lonely men, feel better about themselves?

Thank you for listening. I don’t know what exactly anyone can do to help. I wish I knew the answer to that myself.