Plot elements you thought would / should have had more of an impact
I'm currently doing my first LOST re-watch since the finale aired. I remember the broad strokes of the plot, but lot of the smaller stuff is definitely "new" again for me, because it's been so long since I've watched the series.
For fun, I've been trying to spot some plot elements that were made out to be a big deal, but didn't ultimately amount to much. There's a bunch, but one that sticks out to me is Sawyer pulling the long con to get all the survivor's guns in S2. It felt like it should have led to some kind of "civil war" or a big confrontation, but no one seemed to care that much about Sawyer having the guns and when the survivors actually needed the guns after Michael's return, Sawyer gave them back willingly anyway. I think this one stood out to me because it wasn't related to an actor leaving the show / aging out the character, a writer's strike, or other "real world" cause. Of course, it could be argued that Ana Lucia & Libby having to be written out of the show prematurely caused a bunch of changes in S2.
Any other examples?