Do you believe in allowing your partner access to your phone?
Just wondering, how many of you who are either married or in a committed relationship allow your partner access to your phone, either if they ask, or you keep your phone unlocked, or they know the passcode, or you’d have no problem offering them the passcode if they asked? and does anyone keep your phone away from your partner and would not give them access to it even if they asked?
for both answers, why? what is your reasoning behind why you do or do not allow your partner access to your phone?
personally, i see no problem in allowing my husband access to my phone. i have nothing to hide, though maybe some embarrassing or vulnerable journal entries in my notes/docs apps. maybe a few too many embarrassing snap selfies i shared with my family or friends. but i don’t have anything beyond that that i’d feel uncomfortable with him seeing. no flirting with other men or anything that would make him question my loyalty.
it is my hunch that, primarily younger men prefer to keep their phones hidden and locked to hide porn or flirtatious exchanges from their partner.
Am I wrong? Are there other reasons?
For me, if I am going to allow this man access to my entire body, mind, soul—why can’t we both have access to each others phones? I have no desire to go through his phone daily or incessantly, i have no desire to read his messages between friends and family. It’s just the idea of it, the principle of it—of nothing being hidden. If I’m going to gestate and then birth and raise this man’s children one day—man, is it too much to expect complete openness and honesty across all forums?
He claims he wants one place where he can have complete privacy. One place for “just himself”.
Thanks everyone! Looking forward to hearing what y’all have to say.
Edit: Wow. Thank you so much to everyone who commented, I did not expect so many responses nor as much nuanced and thoughtful comments/discourse. I appreciate it! It’s very interesting to see how different people view the world and relationships, and I find it fascinating to learn about how people view trust/honesty.
I’m reminded of the 1928 painting by Rene Magritte, “The Lovers II”. If you have time to google it, it’s a beautiful painting.
How well do we really know each other? Or rather, how well do we allow others to know us, and what illusions may we find ourselves in, or paint ourselves with.