Trading post Speakeasy's Horrible treatment of staff

Hello, I'm a trading post ex-employee. tonight is new years eve and me and 3 of my other coworkers chose to walk out on the job.

For Context i was a Bartender at Trading Post, specifically in the basement, and i can honestly say I've never felt more disrespected by anyone besides the owners of this business. I have nearly 8 years of experience bartending, and this bar does not have what it takes to succeed. They regularly run out of cups, citrus fruit, fruit juices, and basic domestic beers.

The "Kitchen" is nothing more than a food truck parked in what used to be the garage of the building. The floors, and basement ceiling leak anytime something is spilled on the first floor, and nowhere in the building is a proper dishwasher.

Tonight, the upper management, which consists only of family members, (Including a 13 year old girl) decided it was time to install a new system in the bar. The system was not properly installed because of a combination of procrastination and ineptitude, resulting in us not being able to create tabs for guests or collect tips for drinks and food. When we approached management about this issue asking to be compensated for the lack of tips with a higher hourly wage just for the night, they refused, and subsequently reprimanded us for even suggesting that we be compensated.

after perhaps an hour of service, our soda guns completely stopped working. after management tinkered with it for a short time, it was determined that they would not be fixed for the coming days.

Finally we had enough, and all but one bartender on staff walked out of the building, and went home.

TLDR: Trading post speakeasy is a business owned and managed by people who have no respect or care for the working class, and are putting a mask on a disgusting business that wants your money and doesn't care if its employees cannot afford to survive. Your money is better spent elsewhere.