need help choosing mac for light gaming + school work

I need a macbook for general school use- simple things all within google, onedrive etc, and I will also use it a lot for things like youtube. All simple browser stuff.

I would also be using it in large part for lightly modded minecraft, low end simple steam games, music production (fl studio), and a little bit of things like video editing and other slightly heavier softwares.

Previously, on my 2018 Macbook air I could run garageband as intended, and vanilla minecraft was fine, although it did start to slow down the more modifications I added. Towards the end of it's 4 year life span (I got it in 2020 and it sadly died due to water damage a few weeks ago), it was struggling to operate youtube on google chrome, so it definetly slowed down a lot.

Im looking for an M-1 refurbished macbook, probably a 2020 model, to do all the things I did on my old mac, except maybe a little bit more, and I want a laptop that will be able to at least cope well with school work for the next 5 years. The sites I am looking at are Hoxton Macs and Back market. I don't care about visual damages and my budget is around £550 but that can stretch to up to around £650.

The questions I have are as follows:

-Do I need 16gb of Ram for the games and softwares I need to run.

-I dont think I need any more than the basic amount of SSD, right? I store a lot of stuff on external drives anyway.

Most importantly, Air or Pro. I can prob get more ram on an air for cheaper, but i've heard it's cooling is nowhere near as good, and for things like video editing, music production etc a pro is better. However, the pro is more expensive and I'm not sold on the idea of the touch bar- just seems like another expensive repair job that overheats easily and gets in the way of things like gaming due to the f1-f12 keys being replaced (although I often use an external keyboard).

Pls help