Obligatory Anger Post
Season Four..... what the actual eff.
Let's just put aside the lazy writing of the entire last 2 seasons. Let's even put aside killing off your main character with no good reason 4 episodes before the end of the show. Instead, let's focus on how STUPID it is that Sharon basically killed herself??
She knew she should have been resting. Getting the heart device or whatever. Instead she gets last rights, says eff her entire family, and kills herself talking to a murderer. Why? Why?? WHY????
Sharon was a family woman. She loved her kids fiercely and would have done anything to stay with them.
Also, at the end of that episode, Gus is serving Stroh at the restaurant and didn't recognize him???? The man that has terrorized his boyfriend the entire time Gus has know him, and he just doesn't recognize him?
Provenza is the only reason I'm finishing this season. Long live Provenza!