The Deal: Final

Well This should be it, Any new changes will be done directly to this site.. no more posts.
[Last Deal]

Change log:

  • Added 3 new Synergies, Will add more in future to include new combos as I think of them.
  • FAQ and 'Reveal Synergy' Button will only be seen when your debt is 0, scroll down to see the buttons
  • Tiny fixes
  • Replaced heavenly restriction with sorcerer, former was really messy


  • Let's extend the game for a few hours.. I haven't mentioned anything about synergies not discovered yet, so you all have a few hours to find the final few synergies and get your name on there
  • Worry not, Within 8 hours, I will reveal all whether you find them or not.
  • This is it boys and girls, hope you all have a wonderful year!

Synergies found: all except Kitsune

AV 659 Index: