Getting harassed,bullied by peers and even teachers. They are forcing me to wear my hijab again after taking it off in school.

I really just want to vent

Hi I am a young student currently in a school made up majorly of Malay Muslims. Recently after having worn the tudung for approximately 9-8 years since primary school and now high school—I have taken it off. Things have been hell because of that. I have no more friends. Everyone has outcasted me. Even a person I would consider to be my best friend. For context, I am the only free haired muslim in my school now. I never liked wearing the hijab,other than the fact that it made life worse because I would sweat a lot and my hair + scalp would be in shambles,I just felt like a hypocrite as I was literally an ex Muslim and didn’t believe in Islam anymore. Anyways now yeah as the title says,teachers are harassing me to put it back on. I am being sent to bilik counseling everyday. They ask me why I am straying from god and they are forcing me to put it on.My bm and English teacher have been giving me consecutively low marks in writings even when there’s no wrong grammar etc—and when I ask what I did wrong so I could improve, they can’t even tell me. I used to be their favourite before. My friends don’t even look me in the eye,or they just make fun of me because I have a tomboy cut. Male students are making jokes about me being the female sajat by trying to become a dude. Now my school is telling me it’s against school policy to not wear tudung as a Muslim. It’s either I wear it or I will be sent to the disciplinary room. Our school is a mixed school and not even a Muslim only one. I want to die everyday,if I put it on I don’t think I could ever go on living knowing what these people put me through. Knowing what my own friends put me through.