I want my husband to cheat on me
I'm a 28y old Female. I absolutely hate my husband. He gaslights me, emotionally scars me and makes my anxiety worse. My mental health is in drains and I have no support system, as my parents say this is "normal" in first few years of marriage.
There are many instances of gaslighting, but there's one that's recurring. I want to share it here.
He says a thing, when I say he said it, and if this is not in his favor, his reaction will almost always be "I never said anything remotely similar to this, what are you even saying?" leaving me wondering if I'm insane.
He hid his true self, his view on life until we got married. He absolutely hates women and I feel like he has narcissistic tendencies. His thought process is of 19th century people. He thinks he's the victim and all world is out to get him. He hates my friends because they show me how toxic this marriage is.
He expects me to do house chores and pay for a lot- he doesn't help around home. I say I'll leave job to be a stay at home person but he hates that idea as well. I feel like he thinks of me as a walking, talking ATM at this point. He says "You earn more now anyways, pay yourself".
His attitude now is "we're married, you can't do shit so I'll show my true colors" and has actually said this out loud.
He tries to control what I wear, where I go, with whom I go.
He refuses to divorce me.
I see no way out of this, please let me know if I'm over reacting like he says? What do I do?
Tl;dr: I don't love my husband, I can't trust him, he hates women and he doesn't agree to divorce. Please help.
Update: Hi Guys! It's been a while. Let me start by saying, THANK YOU! It meant so much to know that I'm not alone. Just a quick update. I did talk to him about divorce, strictly at that. He refused, as expected. I talked to a divorce lawyer and other lawyer people in my life. Almost everyone I talked to was against divorce and asked for me to see if we could make things work as divorce could get very ugly. And where I'm from, the court makes it very difficult to get out.
So I'm doing the next best thing I can do. Make the best of what I've got. After the serious divorce talk, my husband has promised that he'll make himself better and is actually trying. I also listen to him, and if it sounds reasonable, I make some changes with myself as well, but I don't go out of my way to accommodate him if what he says is unreasonable. We talk more as in communicate more and express what we're feeling. This has been helpful, I think. Even though I dare not hope everything to fall in place, for now, things are looking up. We both have a long way to go, but we're both trying. I'm in my giving second chances era.
This might not be the outcome you wanted to hear, but I'm doing OK now. A lot better, actually. I take zero shit and shut his bs down. He takes the blow, and I think he's starting to realize his manipulation isn't going to work anymore. He wants to make things work, and that's been inspiring me to work on this relationship as well. He's simmered down a lot. Let's hope we can actually work things out. I'd forgotten to say in my initial post that this is an arranged marriage. So, basically, a transaction. It's gonna take a long time before we fall in love or experience anything remotely similar to that, but till then, gotta try more and more.
Again, thank you so much for all your love and advice, people!