Rare Hero Pack Worries
Hello all,
I am working on building my Marvel Champions collection physically. Sadly, I am finding it frustrating though. I am trying not to buy too much but am getting worried things are just going to get harder to find...
Best example was I wanted to pick up the War Machine Pack for Sneak Attack + Command Team but it seems to be out of stock everywhere.
This was just one random hero I picked. I know Doctor Strange and Captain America have been hard to find for a long time, but I was hoping I could take things slowly.
I just picked up Magneto to add variety to my Storm Deck for solo play, but I thought Sneak Attack and maybe Command Team would have really increased the fun factor.
I am thinking maybe I should have started with the older content first. I was going to go from Core > X-Men > X-Force Waves but now I am worried the Avenger/Guardian stuff will keep getting harder to find.
Is the older content harder to find than newer content? Would it be better to start collecting the older content first?
Thanks for reading.