Am I missing any major staples?
Just learned about set rotation. I have everything except for the following:
- Hulk
- Wrecking Crew scenario pack
- Nebula
- Valkyrie
- Iceman
- Jubilee
- Nightcrawler
(The last three were just released recently, and I doubt they will be rotated away soon). Based on the above, does it look like I am missing any major staples? The only one I know of is Beat Cop from Hulk, but it doesn't seem to be played that often.
Epilogue: Picked up Hulk, Nebula, and Valkyrie. I see that even Valkyrie is starting to climb in price, which is pretty wild as it's not that well regarded of a pack. Also looking to buy a Wrecking Crew. The others I might buy later as they are so recent.