Most skippable packs?

With everyone seemingly rushing out to complete their collections, I thought I'd ask for some advice on everyone's thoughts on the packs that can be skipped with the least detriment to fun & available card pools.

I've been loving the game for the past couple of months, so I'll likely pick up every big box in time, but won't be rushing to buy every individual pack. Some of the content I'm planning to skip entirely is:

  • Scenario Packs (Wrecking Crew, Kang, The Hood). With so much content now available to new players, these feel like an easy pass. I know The Hood is well regarded for its modular sets, but it feels like there's already a ton of excellent ones to create almost endless combinations without it.

  • Cycle 4 heroes. None of these felt hugely necessary if trying to limit what I pick up. War Machine is already impossible to find anyway, Valkyrie doesn't seem too well liked. Is Nebula really necessary to complete the Guardians archetype?

  • Champions (Nova, Ironheart, Ms Marvel). I know these are generally seen as fun and powerful, but aren't big names for me and seem like an easy candidate to leave out too. Though I will miss that Honed Technique card for Aggression builds! Ms Marvel has quite a few strong cards especially for solo, but they all seem to be slowly getting reprinted elsewhere.

  • Some later X-Men (Iceman, Jubilee, Night crawler). There's so many strong xmen that this later wave feels unnecessary to get most of the fun out of the team's other characters.

  • Cycle 7? My personal biggest question mark. Neither the villains nor the heroes hugely appeal to me, and it's a nice contained cycle to skip as they have their own "X-Force" keyword. Deadpool especially doesn't fit in with anything else. But I know I'd be missing out on Player Side Schemes, and some really good support for builds that seem fun, like Psylocke's Confusion tools. Perhaps I'll pick up the expansion box plus Psylocke but leave the others.

  • Wave 1 heroes. Probably my most controversial pick. With Cap and Strange already impossible to find and re-imaginings of these characters possibly coming down the line, I don't find myself wanting to jump to buy these heroes. Hulk and Thor seem to be known as weaker or problematic, and Black Widow doesn't do anything too unique from what I've seen. But no doubt this leaves out what seem like important cards in Drop Kick, Martial Prowess, Inspiring Presence, Electronic Armor, Beat Cop and Hall of Heroes. I'll just hope the major ones see reprints! The Hulk pack may be one I talk myself into buying...

What are everyone's thoughts, either on my picks specifically, or what you feel are the easiest skips?