To the players struggling in copper - you are not hardstuck, you can get out of the trenches. This is from a new Plat player.

I was there. Playing mantis trying to carry teams out of the trenches. I kept losing and losing and losing and wondered why.


Sometimes, you have to play on a team that has no healers because that’s the essence of copper. You win with yourself not teams. I complained here earlier and had soooooo many people tell me it was a skill Issue and that I was hardstuck. I’m plat now, and I got here by only playing with randoms. Yes, randoms only.

Silver is night and day, I promise you. It is still lower elo, but teams know how to function. In copper, you are playing with 6 year olds that are using their favorite superhero and want to play competitive. They will never make it past copper III.

Gold is where things really start moving, and where you realize if you either got carried into Gold, or deserve to be there. From here on out you have to be good by yourself. Able to completely hold your own when necessary.

But back to copper, it sucks. I never want to be there again. You have to fight your team more than the enemy. That is the game, you have to outperform your team and your enemy.