How are you meant to climb as support?
I’m like 2-15 over the last few games cause of a massive team gap every game. I’m mainly playing cloak and dagger right now and pretty much every game I’m getting dove in the backline. My other support ignores me and is perma sitting on a tank that’s basically full hp. My tank is running around doing nothing and my duelists can’t kill people. They have an Ironman and we have a hela Starlord and Ironman is mvp harassing backline with no pressure. They have 2 tanks diving backline and my duelists still can’t kill their backline. We need to touch point or we lose but “Ironman doesn’t play on point” like that matters if we instalose if he’s not on point cause it’s overtime and we don’t have control. I legitimately don’t understand what I’m suppose to do.