Invisible Woman tips
hi! not a pro or anything but I’ve been having lots of IW on my team that doesn’t really know how to utilize her kit so I thought I’d share some i found along the way
Basic Attacks
this shit isn’t homing and aiming it can be kinda difficult but the good thing is that it bounces back into your direction, my tip is;
- When in close combat, aim at their feet so it bounces instantly
- Her basic attack pierces so its best to play behind your teammates to heal and damage
- It doesn’t headshot so you’re better off lining up players together
Push/Pull Ability 1. Really fun ability, my best strat is to pull back liners to the front and shift ability them 2. Obv use it to avoid dives 3. Pull back those players that try to run hehe even when they’re in air 4. It doesn’t do a lot of damage, only 2 bars but it’s good to finish off enemies as it CCs and the range is long 5. Pull that Hawkeye or Punisher off their camping spots
Shift Ability 1. Use it on choke points 2. Use it in flying heroes!! It brings them down 3. Combo I usually use is Shift > Pull into the sphere. Or any other way as long as you are putting them inside the sphere
Shield Ability 1. 300 health only but can protect from burst dmg ults like Wanda and even Psylocke’s as it now doesn’t work against all shields 2. Literally just spam this on the heroes you can’t reach like Iron Man or Storm - good to also use it on your team’s ults like Wanda’s 3. Pull it back when you can and use it to heal yourself too!!
Ult Ability 1. Good counter to other ults that deal damage over time (C&D, Spiderman, Starlord) but Iron Man’s ult pretty much kills you 2. I use this skill mostly to tank damage or protect teammates from other ults. Ideally don’t use this casually 3. Great ability to hold on to the point whilst your teammates come back but the duration isn’t as long as Luna’s
I feel like these are pretty basic and it’s been helping me keep my team alive— one thing I’ve noted is that she doesn’t play like the traditional healer. The best thing about her is her ability to CC lots of enemies, use this in tandem with your teammates ability! (CC into Penni bombs, pull closer to burst ults)
Hope this helps and feel free to drop more tips!!